Friday, July 13, 2012

How to Take Care of a Cat at Home

It would be a really comforting experience to see your pet come running to you, as soon as you enter the threshold of your house. A thought may arise in your mind - how loyal is my cat to me!! Does your cat feel the same for you? Once you have adopted a pet, you have rather adopted a bunch of responsibilities. These innocent creatures are not like the toys you have at home, which are just meant to play with. Animals are living entities and you need to consider them so. Even they desire love, care, shelter, food and many other physiological needs. So, make it your duty to take proper care of your innocent pet and consider it as your family member. Some guidelines to care your cat are provided below.

Adoption: Adopting a cat doesn't mean heading in to a pet store and bringing one back home. Do prior research on the cat breeds that are available and their needs regarding food, shelter, grooming, medical care, etc. The cost of caring your pet may be directly influenced with the breed that you have with you. Therefore, make a smart choice and select a cat that your budget allows you. Generally, there are two types of cats - indoor and outdoor. Indoor cats would love to stay at home while the outdoor cats may ask you to take them out of house.

Food: When talking about feeding your cat, it is not a big deal, as you can feed your cat either with "home food" or cat food available in the market. Feeding it with cat food is considered as best for the reason that they are scientifically formulated and helps to keep your cat healthy. On the other hand, if you are feeding them with "home food", you may require supplying them with additional nutrient supplements too.

Regular Grooming: If you want to keep your animal healthy, proper grooming is essential. It also helps you to maintain a proper hygienic environment at your home. All cats require grooming. However, the frequency at which you need to groom them depends on the breed that you have or clearly speaking, the length of hairs that they have. Cats are considered as clean animals and you do not need to bathe them, unless something unpleasant gets sprayed or poured on them. Use soft shampoo to bathe your cat and make sure to rinse off properly so that no chemicals remain on their body.

Training: Cats do not require much of training. However, telling them what to do and what not to do will obviously make your relation more enjoyable. The major issue that all cat owners complain of is the destructive behavior that it shows when it is bored. Try being human at such instances and provide them with daily play sessions as well as relaxing massage. This will keep them relaxed. Avoid any punishment. Prefer to provide them with accommodation rather than restricting them. Direct approaches to make them act the way you want may not work as they are animals. If you notice any abnormal behavior in your kitty, just consult the veterinarian about it. Avoid strict training processes as it may hamper the relationship between you and your cat. Rewards are the most effective way of training your cat.

If you follow the tips to care a cat provided above, you will surely be able to keep your cat healthy and happy.

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