Friday, July 13, 2012

How to Take Care of a Cat at Home

It would be a really comforting experience to see your pet come running to you, as soon as you enter the threshold of your house. A thought may arise in your mind - how loyal is my cat to me!! Does your cat feel the same for you? Once you have adopted a pet, you have rather adopted a bunch of responsibilities. These innocent creatures are not like the toys you have at home, which are just meant to play with. Animals are living entities and you need to consider them so. Even they desire love, care, shelter, food and many other physiological needs. So, make it your duty to take proper care of your innocent pet and consider it as your family member. Some guidelines to care your cat are provided below.

Adoption: Adopting a cat doesn't mean heading in to a pet store and bringing one back home. Do prior research on the cat breeds that are available and their needs regarding food, shelter, grooming, medical care, etc. The cost of caring your pet may be directly influenced with the breed that you have with you. Therefore, make a smart choice and select a cat that your budget allows you. Generally, there are two types of cats - indoor and outdoor. Indoor cats would love to stay at home while the outdoor cats may ask you to take them out of house.

Food: When talking about feeding your cat, it is not a big deal, as you can feed your cat either with "home food" or cat food available in the market. Feeding it with cat food is considered as best for the reason that they are scientifically formulated and helps to keep your cat healthy. On the other hand, if you are feeding them with "home food", you may require supplying them with additional nutrient supplements too.

Regular Grooming: If you want to keep your animal healthy, proper grooming is essential. It also helps you to maintain a proper hygienic environment at your home. All cats require grooming. However, the frequency at which you need to groom them depends on the breed that you have or clearly speaking, the length of hairs that they have. Cats are considered as clean animals and you do not need to bathe them, unless something unpleasant gets sprayed or poured on them. Use soft shampoo to bathe your cat and make sure to rinse off properly so that no chemicals remain on their body.

Training: Cats do not require much of training. However, telling them what to do and what not to do will obviously make your relation more enjoyable. The major issue that all cat owners complain of is the destructive behavior that it shows when it is bored. Try being human at such instances and provide them with daily play sessions as well as relaxing massage. This will keep them relaxed. Avoid any punishment. Prefer to provide them with accommodation rather than restricting them. Direct approaches to make them act the way you want may not work as they are animals. If you notice any abnormal behavior in your kitty, just consult the veterinarian about it. Avoid strict training processes as it may hamper the relationship between you and your cat. Rewards are the most effective way of training your cat.

If you follow the tips to care a cat provided above, you will surely be able to keep your cat healthy and happy.

This news article is brought to you by CREATIVITY - where latest news are our top priority.

Why Grain Free Cat Food?

Surely you, like me, and like most of us human beings, are in love with your pet. However, you have to be very responsible and caring, besides loving, to ensure the good health of your pet. Choosing the right food for your pet is of prime importance here. Don't worry, it actually isn't your choice to make at all - Your carnivore pet is born to eat grain-free!

Grain foods and its derivatives don't make an ideal feed for cats. Let's see why...

• Being a carnivore, a cat naturally consumes a lot of meat based proteins. It's natural diet contains only a small quantity of fruits and vegetables and very little or no carbohydrates. So, to digest the alien, carbohydrate-rich grain food, the cat's pancreas has to secrete a large quantity of enzymes which can make the animal sick.

• Grain food is known to cause problems like urinary tract disease, kidney disease, obesity and a horde of chronic digestive problems which include chronic vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and inflammatory bowl diseases.

• The more you feed grains to your cat, the more it becomes vulnerable to heart diseases. This is because the increased reliance on carbohydrates can develop a deficiency of 'taurine' in cats.

• Another problem with the grain foods is their reduced moisture content - they can cause dehydration, unless your pet consumes a large quantity of water.

• Grain food can increase your pet's weight. Especially, the old pet cats which move around scarcely are more susceptible to the dreaded weight gain.

• Being an unnatural diet, the grain food invites many other allergies and diseases to your pet's failing immune system.

Now, we can see that cats have simply not evolved to eat cereal grains - they have a relatively short gastrointestinal system which can easily metabolize a high protein diet, but is unable to secrete the enzymes crucial to the digestion of carbohydrates.

Types of Grain-Free Cat Food

You can get healthy, grain-free food for your cat in multiple, ideally preserved forms.

• The first one is kibble. It is very convenient to use. You can find it easily at your local pet food store.

• Grain-free food is also available as freeze-dried portions. Before feeding, water is added to it. The freeze-drying process preserves the nutrients and minerals of the natural food for a long time.

• Also, you can get cat food in its most natural state in the raw-frozen form.

Irrespective of the type of grain-free food you choose, your dear carnivore will definitely savor it with delight. The organic cat food, well-suited to your pet's natural appetite, is the key to its good health and well being.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN - where latest news are our top priority.

Nipper, Scarface And Me

I wish to speak about my cat. Some facts about her bother me, which I find awfully strange. She crept into my life, you see, some twenty years ago, exposing her felinity to six strong, virile Toms while leaping through the grassy fields - the boys in hot pursuit. It really was a sight to see, as I watched from my stoop.

Now, I don't fancy cats at all - dogs are my forte. Cats? Too independent! Canines know their place. But when this earthy critter came mewing at my door with belly showing signs of life, begged food and nothing more, my heart just couldn't turn away. So to the fridge I went, and poured a bowl of milk for her - this was my first mistake.

Then, darn, would you believe it? This moxy to-be Mom just bit the hand that fed her - that's how she got her name.

I shook my head in disbelief, said, "Now, what do I do?" while gazing at my finger her teeth had punctured through. Well, needless to say, she was healthy and fine - and soon I discovered that I would survive. The Vet said, "You now owe me eighty-four bucks to send her right back to the wild."

So, greatly disgusted, I tried to ignore the pleaful, sad cries which resumed outside of my doorstep, both morning and night. My neighbors soon asked me to move. And when I got courage to open the door, it wasn't just her, for I saw the scrawniest kittens, with Mom in the front, perched proudly, now begging for four.

And off in the distance, I saw something weird - a battered old Tomcat with half of an ear, just sitting and waiting for Nipper's return. My heart took a lurch, for I thought he meant harm. Now this cat was Scar Face, as ugly as sin, from fighting and clawing all things on his trail. Apparently he was the dominant male. He cast me a look from the side of his eye which told me I daren't step over his "line," nor anywhere near him, for all he'd allow was nourishing Nipper, well said with a snarl.

I knew a little bit of cats, and how they took their prey, so when the dark of night would fall, upon the stoop I'd stay to watch this struggling little Mom protect the young she bore by moving them from bush to bush, to keep those kits secure. For, like a big explosion, the shrub would come alive with hissing sounds, great rumbling, and out the males would fly. But when old Scar Face would appear to staunchly take her guard, she slept the night serenely, her little ones unharmed.

And it was quite a treat to see, when sunshine would appear, young kittens safely romping - with Scar Face sitting near. And Nipper would be free to roam and forage for her birds. This Tom was "babysitting," and that was just absurd.

Now how could it be - that he seemed to know? We all see how cats are - they breed as they go with every, and any, new tail on the block. How in the deuce does he know he's their Pop?

I'd watch them together, revolving their days around one another, in hunting and play. So how does she know there's no danger, in thus entrusting her brood to this crafty old stud?

The love affair flourished, the kits came of age and, proudly, she smacked them right off on their way.

A new life was beckoning me and my child involving a move from this interesting field. Even though I hadn't liked her, at first, upon my departure, I loved her the best but felt it was kinder to leave her with him - for she was a wild cat, and couldn't be tamed.

I lasted for one night in my new abode. When morning came dawning, I ran to the phone. Enquired of my neighbor "Have you seen the Cat?" She said "Come and get her. She's driving me nuts with calling and crying on your favorite stoop. This cat has a problem. I think it is you!"

With glee in my heart, common sense gone astray, I jumped in the auto - my field cat to save! Arrived at her spot which was way across town and shouted her name "Come on, Nipper, come on!" The leaves started rustling, my heart seemed to stop. But then she came bounding right over the top of brambles and briars! I swelled in the chest! She nuzzled me warmly - and bit me, of course.

I wasn't quite so dumb this time, for I could ill-afford another veterinarian and quarantine in board. I grabbed her by the scruff of neck, before she got away - this cat had twice embarrassed me, but never would again. I took her to my new home, and gently put her down upon the kitchen floor, and got some milk, began to pour.

As unconcerned as ever, whereby entering my lair, she sauntered through the rooms and sprang upon my favorite chair, then settled down quite cozily, her motor in a purr, to fall into a peaceful sleep. We now belonged to her.

When night came a-falling, she started to moan from missing her Tomcat, I had to assume. So into the bedroom I went with this friend, while hoping to ease the confusion she had.

I woke the next morning, a smile on my face - which soon turned to shock. "Oh, my God, not again!" For, over the pillowcase, linens I'd seen three new baby Scar Faces - mewing at me.

And what did I see when I looked across the sill? You guessed it! Old Pop, giving looks that could kill!

Try to imagine the noise that evolved. Would not let him in! Could not let her out! His wailing, her calling, three screaming new cats!

How did I fall into this kind of trap?

I raised them, of course, fed the kittens by hand while altering Mother, I say now with shame, for that was the end of cavorting around. I thought that old Scar Face would be homeward-bound. How little I knew, then, of life and it's plays - it just didn't matter that she had been spayed. For he resumed courting again, for a year, as she waited daily. Then... he disappeared.

Another move pending, but now she became a little more house cat, and not so untamed. We settled away, sixty miles or so, for more than three years, dragging Nipper in tow.

She tried. Oh, how she tried to find him, while we were away by disappearing nights on end, and many, many days. And when she would return to us, her spark of life was gone. Would quietly ascend the stairs, and dream her dreams alone.

I, too, was feeling homesick, and soon that day arrived, and stated "We are going home. He might be still alive."

Now, I won't ask for your belief, but listen when I say that ten years had transpired from the time she took her mate. But somehow, she had chosen me, for reasons undefined as being more important than her natural incline. So once more, to a different home we found ourselves embarked - not far away from where her love affair first took a start.

She'd pensively sit by the window and stare, curl up in a ball, to awaken once more, with no interest evident in any birds, or field mice, or rabbits to which we'd returned. She worried me greatly, as seeming to say that we had arrived just a little too late.

But one morning, I saw her ear take a twitch, somehow she was different, her eyes were intense. Stretched out her front paws, threw her tail in a spin. I looked out the window to see... it was Him!

More battered, much older, still ugly, this Tom, but beautifully, graciously he was transformed in my eyes. My Nipper jumped off of the chair, begged loudly for exit, as he waited there.

If I'd been too calloused to offer my hand to this lowly she-cat when this all began, just think of the beauty I wouldn't have seen and wondrous lessons I couldn't have learned.

Old Scar Face is dead now. But Nipper still lives, a little bit blind, with an arthritic hip, and sometimes responds to the call of her name, but no longer forages outside for game. She's going on twenty-one years, come this spring, remaining with me - while still dreaming of him.

As for me? I've seen my miracle.

This news article is brought to you by DRUG-ABUSE - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cat Litter - Choosing the Best Litter for Your Cat

Cat litter is cat litter, right? If only it were that easy. With almost 90 million cats living in the US alone, it's not surprising that the annual global sales of cat litter is nearly $1 billion. It's big business, and with the advent of more eco-friendly litter materials competing with clay, it's going to get bigger. Trying to determine the best cat litter for your cat can be a daunting mission. Just standing in the litter isle can be overwhelming to a new cat parent, as well as cat owners that are just looking for an alternative to their current litter. There are so many questions, so many brands and so many promises. Let's take a look back at how cat litter was discovered, get familiar with some common litter types and materials, and examine the concerns that cat parents have regarding its use and safety.

Prior to 1950, most domesticated cats used the great outdoors as their litter box. The housecats of the day were treated to a box of sand or fireplace ashes. Just imagine the mess that sooty, sandy paw prints would make across a freshly mopped floor. It was for that reason that in 1947, a woman frustrated with the untidy tracks of her cat, approached her neighbor Ed Lowe to inquire about a more penetrable type of sand. Lowes' family owned a company that sold industrial absorbents, so Lowe knew a thing or two about the absorbency of various natural materials. He recommended to his neighbor that she use clay because of its high absorbency, and because it's larger grain size would minimize the tracking. The clay was a hit! Realizing the potential of his finding, Lowe began packing the clay in brown paper bags, scribbling "Kitty Litter" across the front and selling it to local grocery stores. And yes, for lack of a better phrase, the rest is history.

Clay Litter

Non-clumping clay litteris made from natural clay, consisting of the minerals zeolite, diatomite, and sepiolate, and dried into tiny pellets or granules. Clay materials are highly absorbent, drawing the cat urine to the bottom of the litter box, thus reducing odor. A number of clay litters contain additives which offer additional odor control. Since traditional clay is non-clumping, the cat urine eventually mixes into the clay requiring more frequent cleaning.

Clumping clay litteris made from bentonite clay, which tends to clump together when wet. Due to the clumping property, the urine will clump into a ball rather than seep throughout the litter, making scooping much easier. While clumping litter is a little more expensive than non-clumping, you generally don't have to replace the litter as frequently using less over time.

Clay concerns- There are some concerns regarding possible health hazards of using clumping litter. A common concern is that kittens, which typically ingest litter when they are very young, can develop an intestinal blockage, due to the swelling properties of sodium bentonite clay when it becomes wet. Therefore it is recommended that kittens not use clumping litter. However, there are numerous stories on the internet from owners who report that their adult cats, as well as kittens, have developed issues such as intestinal blockages and respiratory problems, due to the dust, when using clumping litter.

Silica Gel Litter

Made from silica dioxide, silica gel litter - also known as crystal litter - is a more common alternative to clay litters. The granules consist of tiny pores that can absorb up to forty times their weight in moisture. However, once the granules have reached maximum saturation, urine will begin to pool in the bottom of the litter box. While the dust associated with silica litter is less evident than that in clay litter, it is still a concern for some cat parents who worry about respiratory illnesses resulting from repeated exposure. Nonetheless, because of its high absorbency and good odor control, crystal litter is a favorite among many cat parents, but some cats find the granules hard and uncomfortable on their paws.

Biodegradable Litter

Until the early 1990's, the litter decision was a relatively easy one: clumping, or non-clumping clay. The barrage of alternative litters has been steadily streaming onto shelves for almost 20 years, and thanks to the eco-friendly mindset of America, there has been a surge of biodegradable litters within the last decade. Biodegradable litters are made from a variety of plant resources, and because they completely break down in the land fields they are considered environmentally friendly. Although these litters cost more than traditional clay litter, they tend to last longer and most of them are flushable. Biodegradable litters are made from a vast array of materials including wheat grass, oat hulls, processed orange peel, cedar chips, pine sawdust; the list goes on. While generally thought to be safer than clay or silica based litters, the unusual materials can be off-putting to some cats, and some cat owners find that the odor control is lacking.

So How Do I Decide?

The truth is, there is no definitive formula for purchasing the perfect cat litter. Cats have a reputation for being finicky; therefore you may have to try a few brands or materials before finding the best fit for you and your cat. Before heading off to the pet store, take some time and research litter online, including visiting manufacturers' websites. Look for unbiased customer reviews, usually found on cat related blogs and forums. Talk with your veterinarian about possible health effects that he/she may have seen as a result of a specific type of litter. Approaching the litter isle with some information in hand will allow you to make an educated decision that will meet your needs and more importantly those of your cat.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Buy Cheap Brand Name Cat Flea Treatments Online

These days you can buy almost anything you need for your pets online. This includes some top of the range cat flea treatments that can get to work fast on eliminating these blood-sucking parasites.

It makes sense to shop online when it comes to pet health products. You can often find some really good bargains from pet supply websites that could save you a lot of money. It is also so easy to buy online and you will be able to shop 24/7 from the comfort of your own home.

How to Buy Online

If you have never bought pet supplies online then there has never been a better time to start. This is a booming market and you can find some great deals on cat flea treatments and other pet health products. To help you get started here are some top tips on how to buy safely and securely online.

1. Brand Name Products

There are many different cat flea treatments out there. If you are buying online then you will not be able to see the product in person before you make your purchase. This is why it is a good idea to choose a brand name that you know and trust. Buying quality cat flea treatments will help ensure that you get good value for money. For example Frontline is widely available online and offers reliable and effective treatment in the prevention and elimination of fleas.

2. Use well-established and reputable suppliers

It is important when you shop online to find pet health suppliers that you can trust. These will be well-established providers that have a good reputation in the industry. Look for providers that can offer you professional, fully functional websites with top onsite security (including secure online e-payment portals) and comprehensive customer services (including direct telephone helpdesks).

You could also get recommendations by visiting pet owner forums and seeing which online pet health suppliers other people can recommend.

3. Pay instantly with your plastic cards

If you are buying online then it is a good idea to make use of the secure online payment facilities that reputable suppliers can offer. These will provide you with a fast, safe and easy way to pay for your order.

- If you do want to pay instantly online then you will need a valid credit or debit card. These details will need to be input into the secure payment pages after you have reached the online checkout.

- Some websites may also be able to offer other secure instant online payment options such as PayPal.

- Remember you should never send confidential payment details via email as this is not a secure form of communication.

- If you cannot pay online then phone the company directly to provide further payment details.

This news article is brought to you by DESTINATION - where latest news are our top priority.

Discover Safe and Effective Worming Treatments With Drontal for Cats

Treating pets at home can sometimes be a difficult task. Dogs and cats have a mind of their own and will rarely be willing to sit through health treatments complacently. This means using products like Drontal for cats for worming your pets may not always be the easiest task.

Safe and Effective Worming Techniques

It is important to choose a safe worming product like Drontal for cats. To eradicate worms you will need to use quite strong chemical agents. If you choose a reputable brand then you can be sure these treatments have been fully tested and are safe for pets whilst still being effective at getting rid of worms.

- Drontal for cats has been tested thoroughly and is one of the safest and most effective worming treatments on the market.

- Drontal contains powerful agents such as praziquantel. This works quickly to destroy intestinal worms such as tapeworm with the minimum side effects for your pets.

- If you have had problems with other worming products making your pets ill before then Drontal for cats is a good option.

- This does not contain nitroscanate which is a common ingredient in other wormers. This problem with this nitroscanate is that it frequently causes side effects such as vomiting and diarrhoea. This type of wormer also requires you to starve your pet before application.

- This can be very unpleasant for pets and can put you off worming your pets in the future. With Drontal the chances of these side effects are minimal and this means you can carry out successful and stress-free worming for your pets.

- There is also no need to starve your pets before using Drontal products for worming.

- Drontal for cats is sold in user-friendly applications that make it quick and easy for you to protect your pets against worm parasites.

- The tablet and Spot On applications are a good choice for cats. These animals can be notoriously difficult to treat with topical applications.

- If you add tablets to your cat's food in most cases they will swallow them without even realising they are even there.

- The Spot On is also very easy to use and all you will need to do is squeeze a few drops on the back of your cat's neck.

- For the best effects, you should make sure your pets are protected all-year round. If you worm your cats with Drontal every 3 months or so this should protect them all the time from these nasty parasites.

- Don't forget you need to protect kittens from worms as well. They can easily come into contact with microscopic worm eggs even if they have not yet been outside.

- You can start worming kittens from 6 weeks using the tablet or Spot On versions of Drontal.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Drinking More Water Can Be a Symptom of Diabetes in Cats

As veterinarians, we are often concerned with getting cats to drink more water. These desert descended creatures developed highly efficient kidneys to deal with the water shortages that come with desert living. Because their kidneys work so well to help keep them hydrated, cats have poor thirst mechanisms. Most cats simply do not drink in response to mild dehydration. Additionally, cats are very finicky about the water they choose to drink from.

So, when your cat suddenly start to drink a lot of water, it usually indicates a medical problem of some sort. Whenever you notice your cat drinking more water the first thing you should do is immediately have your cat examined by a veterinarian.

In this article we will discuss diabetes, a common endocrine disease in cats and how a cat water fountain can help in management.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus, more commonly referred to as just "diabetes", is not having enough insulin. Insulin is the hormone which allows cells to absorb and use glucose. Without enough insulin, the excess glucose stays in the blood stream causing high levels of blood sugar and starving the cells of energy. The high circulating blood sugar levels cause many of the symptoms of diabetes. Luckily, diabetes is usually easy to diagnose with a few blood tests. The really good news is that early detection and proper treatment can cause remission in many cats!

The four main signs of diabetes are:

  • Ravenous appetite - cats feel like they are starving
  • Weight loss - cats can no longer process energy
  • Large amounts of urine in the box - glucose in the urine causes draws water from the body
  • Excessive drinking - cats need to drink much more to compensate for water lost in the urine and the high blood sugar stimulates the thirst centers

*** This results in a very thirsty cat! ***

When cats are drinking more water, it is usually very obvious to their owners. Cats will be noticed at the water dish more often and are drinking for longer periods of time. You may notice that you suddenly are filling the bowl much more often than you were. Your cat may suddenly seem obsessed with water; crying at the water bowl, jumping up on the sink or tub when he or she hears running water, or begging you to turn on taps. Whereas your cat was previously happy to drink from a bowl they now only want to drink from a running tap, sometimes to the point of annoyance.

Cat Water Fountains Can Help.

A well designed cat water fountain can help meet the new needs and demands of your thirsty cat. The sounds of running water can attract your cat to the fountain. The water stays fresh and well oxygenated which encourages them to drink. The streams will help keep your cat off the counter and in your way when you turn on the tap. Large reservoirs help ensure your cat always has enough fresh water. But which fountain should you choose? Consider the following factors:

1. First and perhaps most importantly, choose a fountain with a very large reservoir or water capacity. Diabetic cats can drink an astounding amount of water. You never want a diabetic to run out of water as this can quickly lead to life threatening dehydration.

2. Choose a fountain that caters to your cat's (new) drinking style. Get a fountain with streams if your cat loves drinking from the tap or faucet. Choose one with a large pool if your cat prefers to drink from a bowl-like surface.

3. Cats with diabetes, like people, may not heal as well. Choose fountains made of hypoallergenic drinking surfaces such as stainless steel or ceramic. If at all possible, avoid plastic based drinking surfaces to avoid allergic reactions such as chin acne. At the very least, choose fountains made of high-grade plastic.

Final Tips:

  • Always have far more water available than you think will be necessary
  • Keep your water sources sparkling clean
  • Don't forget to change filters frequently!

If your cat has just been diagnosed with diabetes, the amount of information can be overwhelming. Don't panic. Remember many people have felt just as you did and have gotten through it. Support forums such as can be very helpful for owners new to diabetic cats.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.